Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Basic Computer Maintenance

One of the most common questions computer users ask is, How do I maintain my computer and keep it running great? A computer is a lot like a carit costs more than you think it should, it starts going down in value as soon as you bring it home and it requires regular maintenance to keep it running smoothly. Here are a few basic guidelines required to help keep your PC out of the shop:

Always use a surge protector! Power surges, spikes, lightning and brown-outs are all things that can literally burn up your computer & its peripherals. Save yourself lots of money in repairs by buying a decent surge protector (AKA power strip) for your computer and use it. A UPS (uninterruptible power supply), though slightly more expensive, is even better. Also, realize that these power strips can only take so muchonce they get hit with a large spike of voltage, they can lose their protective capabilities. If yours is over 3 years old, consider a replacement.

Always use up-to-date virus protection! Everyone should know about this by now, but we often see computers with either no virus protection at all, or anti-virus software thats badly out-of-date. Nothing can wreck your computer faster than a virus (except for maybe electricity, like we mentioned above), but with a small investment in good anti-virus software and making sure you set it to update itself daily, you can easily protect your computer and your critical data from being trashed. Norton & McAfee are the most popular brands, but there are otherssome are even free for personal use. Here are some links you can visit for more information:

McAfee Anti-virus -

Norton Anti-virus -

AVG Free Anti-Virus (for home users only) -

Be careful what you install on your computer! This is another thing many people overlook. Installing lots of programs on your computer is a lot like putting a bunch of rowdy children together on a playgroundsome of them may not play well together. A good rule of thumb is if you dont need, dont install it. This is especially true when you surf the web. You will likely get bombarded with pop-up ads trying to get you to install all kinds of free utilities they claim your computer cant live withoutmost of these are spyware, adware and junk. These little programs can slow down your system, collect personal information without your permission and sometimes even cause your computer to crash. Rather than pay a technician to clean up your computer when its a mess, its a better idea to keep it clean from the start.

For a more detailed list of computer maintenance tips, you can download this free PDF file from our website (free Adobe Reader required for viewing):

Home Computer Maintenance Guide -

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